

 2021 Stats My Time 1:27:45 Overall: 213/705     Male 184/533    50-59  47/152 Winner 50/59- 1st) 1:01:39  2nd) 1:09:01  3rd) 1:09:12 Winner 60/69- 1st) 1:09:03  2nd) 1:10:37  3rd) 1:13:15      My place if in: 32nd   My weight was about 209 or so. In the fall of 2020 my medication for anxiety was changed and I ballooned to 228! In April I was 228 pounds. So getting to 209 was a big accomplishment. Still fat but a lot better than 228! I did a lot of riding but mostly garbage miles on the bike trail. The last month I included some hill training. On race day I had ridden about 3400 miles. My endurance was pretty good but I was slow on the hills. Goals for next season: Drop weight and train smarter!